What is P90X Results and Recovery Formula

P90X Results and Recovery FormulaWhat’s a good workout without some muscle fatigue to back it up, right.? If there is a routine like no other to get you soar from head to toe, its P90X! But, with a workout system as advanced and intense as P90X, you should be giving your body everything it needs to succeed and be in top condition 100% of the time. This means nutritious food, lots of water and a post workout drink like no other. While the P90X Results and Recovery Drink is not required to see great results, my experience has shown the drink does give you an edge and propels results even faster. It also means your body recovers faster, allowing you to feel great during workouts by keeping your soarness in check.

Here are the top 5 reasons I believe in a Post Workout drink, and why the P90X Results and Recovery formula is a perfect choice.

1. Energy Recovery – If you’re doing P90X right, you should be toasted after a good workout. The R&R drink replenishes your energy so you can feel great for the rest of the day. Complex carbohydrates are optimum for this and also help reduce muscle soreness.

2. Muscle Repair – A great protein blend in the drink allows your muscles to start repairing FAST! The breakdown, rebuild process is what really makes P90X successful in its various stages. This R&R drink aids in helping this repair happen faster.

3. Vitamin Replenishment – A healthy way to get much needed vitamins back to your system. These vitamins will now help you to feel better and keep you from getting drained. Keeping things like Vitamin C and other nutrient at high levels will ensure your immune system resistance stays high.

4. Performance Boost – A small amount of creatine really adds a much needed muscle boost to the R&R drink. You’ll see a difference it what you can deliver in each workout as well as adding edge to muscle fullness and strength. A great final touch to an amazing Recovery Drink.

Don’t get me wrong, P90X R&R drink is not required, but it sure helps in getting faster, better results for those looking to get the most out of the program. I’ve been using the drink on and off for 2 years as I go through different cycle of P90X and P90X2. I definitely say, I can tell the difference when I do and don’t use it and it taste pretty darn good too.