P90X vs Insanity

P90X vs INSANITY – Which program is best for you?

I receive this question quite often from friends, family and patients. The key to any successful workout routine is consistency. In order to be consistent with any exercise program you have to like you workout program. In this post we will compare P90X vs INSANITY, 2 of the hottest at home workout programs so you can make the best decision for you. This is about getting results so let’s take a closer look at P90X vs INSANITY!

P90X vs INSANITY – Basic difference

When people ask me the question, “What is the difference between P90X vs INSANITY?” I give them this simple answer: P90X is a strength based program with some cardio mixed in, and INSANITY is a cardio based program with some strength elements. But to stop there with the comparison would do both programs an injustice, so let’s look deep into P90X vs INSANITY.

P90X vs INSANITY – The Results

I always say the greatest motivator for continuing any workout program is the results. Without question, both of the programs have a proven record of getting good results, but seeing is believing.

P90X Results:

Now those are some impressive results! But how does that compare to the results people are achieving with INSANITY?


Equally impressive results! Does that make your decision any easier? Let me ask a simple question: as you watched the 2 different videos, did you find yourself identifying with one vs. the other? Did one of the videos get you a little more excited than the other? If so, I think you have your answer to which program you should start. However, if you are still unsettled in your decision about P90X vs INSANITY then continue reading below.

P90X vs INSANITY – My Experience

Having done both programs I can honestly say that they are both tremendous workouts and well worth the money I spent on them. They are great additions to my home exercise library. But let’s go back to the beginning.

P90X vs INSANITY: P90X is Where I Started

As a physical therapist people always ask me about different exercise programs, and I was hearing a lot from patients about P90X (including a patient who hurt his shoulder doing pull-ups). I decided to look into it. I purchased the program and was pleasantly surprised by what I found. I still believe that P90X is the most complete exercise program of any on the market today because it incorporates all parts of fitness: strength, explosiveness, cardio, flexibility, and core control. The P90X program incorporates what Tony Horton calls “muscle confusion”. This philosophy isn’t new but P90X is organized in such a way that people continue to get results over the 90 days. In working with patients I know that unless I challenge them, I can’t expect their bodies to change and respond. P90X is an all out assault on the entire body broken down into 3 different phases, each phase building on the previous phase to produce the kind of results that make people want to continue. The kind of results that make people ask, “How have you changed your body?”

P90X vs INSANTIY: INSANITY The Workout Evolution Continues

Once I completed a few rounds of P90X, P90X + and a few triathlons, I was looking for something new, a different challenge. I remember asking a fellow Beachbody Coach about this new workout program that had just come out INSANITY. My question to him was, “how does INSANITY compare to Interval X Plus?” His response, “INSANITY is ten times as hard as Interval X Plus, get ready to sweat!” Well, that is all the encouragement I needed. I purchased the program and jumped in with both feet, to find myself swimming in a pool of my own sweat. I quickly learned that INSANITY is properly named. I worked my way through the first month and started to feel my cardio improving. Then the second month started and I realized I still had a long ways to go – I never thought an additional 15 minutes added onto a workout could make that much of a difference. I was wrong! It makes all the difference and my greatest results with INSANITY came in the second month of the program.

P90X Vs INSANITY – A Comparison Chart

P90X vs INSANITY Comparison Chart

P90X Vs INSANITY – My Final Thoughts

The truth is that P90X vs INSANITY is a question that you can’t answer wrong. Both of these programs will help you get amazing results as long as you push play and pay attention to your nutrition. Poor nutrition has sabotaged my results in previous rounds of these programs, so don’t think you can out exercise a poor nutrition plan.

Both programs offer modifications for different fitness levels, but I believe that in order to avoid injury you need to have a better baseline level of fitness to start INSANITY than is required for P90X. They both come with a Fit Test to perform at the beginning so you can determine if you are truly ready (don’t skip the Fit Test!).

If you travel consistently for your work, it may be easier to do INSANITY in your hotel room than it is to do P90X. The P90X App now makes it easier to take on the road if you are staying at hotels with good gym facilites, but since INSANITY requires no equipment, it may be the best choice for frequent flyers.

Consistency over time is what brings true change, so choose a program that excites you and stick with it! Then when you finish, pick up the other program to add to your exercise library to keep your workouts fun and exciting. Grab a friend or family member and keep pushin’ play – your body will thank you for years to come!!

P90X vs INSANITY – Now it is YOUR Turn to Decide!


Now let’s get to work!


Shakeology FREE ShippingI am seriously in love with Shakeology.  Because it’s something that I believe in so much, I’ve decided to write my very first post about it!

For the past fourteen months I’ve been using Shakeology.  I’m a hard gainer, so I drink my Shakeology with my breakfast every single day. It’s interesting how I came about using this product, after leaving Corporate America for Academia and then back to Corporate America I was just burnt out!  My 5-6 days a week in the gym simply to manage stress lead me on a path to becoming a personal trainer which led me to Beachbody via a tweet.

I received a sample of Greenberry and Chocolate from my friend Bob and I figured I’d try the Greenberry first, thinking I probably wouldn’t like it.  So I’ll just get that one out of the way.  I immediately loved Greenberry.  Often times I am asked to describe the flavor, and my answer is always the same.  “It’s just one of those flavors you are either going to LOVE or HATE.  There really is no in between.”  I immediately decided to buy Shakeology on Home Direct so that I received it each month, saved on the S&H, plus the 25% discount was a nice bonus.

By this time I was already running an independent personal training business and was tired of handing over my commissions to GNC.  Plus I needed balance for myself, workout solutions for my traveling business professionals and homework for my Personal Training Clients.  So it was time to take a deeper look into our Fitness Programs.

I started talking about it to friends, family, people that I coach/train, and many people decided to get involved, and that’s when the amazing Shakeology reviews began rolling in. Now, a bunch of my friends and family use Shakeology on daily basis, and have seen amazing results from it. I have clients who have lost up to 45 pounds in 3 months, others who have brought their cholesterol and blood pressure back into safe ranges, and the list goes on and on! Shakeology works! I credit Shakeology as one of the main factors that has helped me not only get my 6-pack abs (sometimes 8-pack), but also keep it for almost 2 years now!

One of the best videos about Beachbody Shakeology that Beachbody has created is the “100 Doctors Don’t Lie” video. Here, 100 doctors explain why Shakeology is such a unique product and why it should be used on a daily basis.

How does one justify the cost? Before I started using Shakeology, I was going out for lunch every day, spending anywhere from $8-$15 at places like McDonald’s, Panera Bread, Jimmy John’s, but then 2-3 hours later I would be starving again.  When I started using Shakeology as a meal replacement shake for lunch, I started saving money because it only costs me about $3 per serving. Plus, who knew what I was putting into my body from the food at the restaurants, but now I know that I’m eating something 100% healthy. Even if you don’t eat out for lunch every day, you can’t look at it as an extra cost on top of what you’re already spending at the grocery store, but rather replacing what you would spend to for lunch supplies every day.  It makes a quick and healthy breakfast or even a late-night snack. There are dozens of ways to prepare it so you never get bored. It just makes sense!

If you’re interested in Shakeology and want to try it first before you spend the money on it, then I have Shakeology samples to send out. However, I will ONLY send you a Shakeology sample on 2 conditions: (1) I’m your coach, and (2) You’re 100% serious about purchasing if you enjoy the taste. It costs me about $6 to send out 1 sample, so it’s important that you’re serious about it. If I’m not your coach, you can make me you coach by clicking here.

Shakeology truly is an amazing product, and one that I’m completely passionate about because I’ve seen it impact not only my life, but the people I care about most, my friends and family. If you’re looking to purchase Shakeology, click here. If you have any questions about it, feel free to email me, Hank Rouse, at HankFit247@LBHank.com

Request FREE Samples here