Tony Horton’s Power 90® Boot Camp is a revolutionary weight loss and body transformation program that’s so simple and effective, you’re guaranteed to go from the body you’ve got to the body you’ve always wanted in just 90 days!
The secret is Tony’s exclusive Sectional Progression™ training technique, where each movement targets a specific zone for maximum fat burning and toning results in as little as 30 minutes a day. Plus, you’ll get a FREE Power Sculpting Band for just the right resistance throughout each and every move!
Join one of our TEAM’s FREE Challenge Groups by sending me a message here
OK, I’ve been waiting to write this post for quite some time now, because I’m absolutely PUMPED about this.
Those of you who know me know I get pretty excited about certain things, and this is definitely one of them! Over just the past few months Beachbody has been rolled out a new promotion, the new Beachbody Challenge. What is the Beachbody Challenge? Well, it’s a number of things I guess, but what it all comes down to is putting groups of 5 people together doing the same program, using the same supplements, and having them all stay accountable to each other, all while having ME as your coach during the entire 30, 60 or 90 days (depending on your program). When I form each group of 5 people, I will create an exclusive Facebook group, and that will be where all 6 of us stay in contact with each other during the entire 30, 60, or 90 day commitment.
What makes Challenge Groups so effective? I’ve always been a big believer in challenges because it highly motivates people, and I and everyone else taking part of it always tend to commit ourselves even more when we’re a part of one. When you have a small group, communication is much easier, and you’re able to hold each other accountable and push each other even more than being part of a large group. Plus, there is always some serious competition going on, forcing you to push even harder to achieve better results. When you have competition, encouragement, accountability, and support from 5 other people, it literally is a recipe for success! From the challenges I’ve held in the past, it’s unbelievable the type of results that some people got, and they even mentioned to me that there was no way they could have gotten those results without being part of an exclusive group. If you want to achieve your fitness goals, you’re not going to find a better way than with these challenge groups!
How do I join a challenge group? The first thing that you have to do is make me your coach if I’m not already. As you already know (or may not know I guess), it’s free to make me your coach (click here to do so). By making me your coach, you will have constant access to me for questions and support and I will be checking in daily with each challenge group. Next, you have to be using Shakeology and a Beachbody program like P90X, Insanity, TurboFire or one of the other 130+ programs we offer. The reason Shakeology is a requirement is because it serves as your Nutritional Foundation and it’s a product that I’ve been using for about 12 months now, am 100% confident that works, and have recommended to literally everyone I know, including my friends and family. If you want to get the best results possible, you have to be using Shakeology as (weight lose, a meal replacement, typically lunch; weight gain or hard gainers, WITH your breakfast) every day and combine it with a healthy diet and a workout program. I know for a fact that you will get results by doing all of these together, because over the course of 12 months, the ones who have done this have gotten the best results! Beachbody just actually released new Challenge Packs that combine Shakeology, a workout program, a FREE 30 Trial of Club Membership, FREE Shipping at a discount price for purchasing as a bundle. Next, once you purchase a Challenge Pack or reach all the requirements to join a group, email me at, and I will connect you with 4 other people who are going through the same program and have the same goals as you, create an exclusive Facebook group, and then you will get started!
What will I need to do once I’m in a Challenge Group? The first thing that you will need to do is share your goals and past struggles with everyone else in the group, including me. Once in the group, you will need to post daily that you’ve completed your workout, followed the diet, and ask any questions or provide support to the other group members. While going through your journey, you’re going to want to make sure you take progress photos every 15 days and post them in the group as well. This way you can show each other that you’re getting results and staying committed! If you want, you can hold certain challenges within your group as well, such as who loses the most weight during the 90 days.
Are there any prizes? YES! Beachbody awards $500 daily, $1000 weekly, $1000 monthly, $5000 quarterly, and even a grand prize of $100,000 for those with the best results. Complete your program, submit your results and claim your FREE t-shirt. Plus my TEAM and I award $25 eGift Cards, T-Shirts and DVD’s every 30 days based on your SuperGym calendar.
Winners: Angel Cruz(P90X) – Invited to participate in the P90X Spanish Infomercial
I’m confident that you’re not going to find a better way to get results than you would by being part of a Beachbody Challenge Group! Unlimited support, constant encouragement, friendly competition, and some added prizes will motivate you to commit yourself for the entire 30, 60 or 90 days and get into the best shape of your life . I can’t wait to help you guys reach your goals and again, I can’t tell you how PUMPED I am to get these groups rolling! LET’S DO THIS!!!!
Here’s a question people ask me: “I’m finding that my exercise routine is very intense and I’m seeing the benefits on day 1, so what can I do to stay motivated and keep going?”
Most folks struggle with motivation every day. I’m one of them. Motivation can be broken down into a few subcategories. My fifth Law of Health and Fitness is “Loving It.” Progress and motivation are possible if you look forward to your workouts. They have to be challenging and interesting to you. If you despise them before you start them, you’re not going to survive them for very long. If your reasons why are meaningful to you, then staying motivated is easier. I’m always promoting health, fitness, quality of life, and feeling good as reasons to get and stay motivated. Not to say that a person’s goal to lose weight or fit into smaller clothes isn’t motivating—it’s just that when these goals are obtained then new ones need to come into play.
When the numbers on your scale and measuring tape are low enough to make you happy then it’s important to start to explore some new numbers. I’m talking about numbers that relate to ability, improvement, and achievement. Your physical appearance will improve at a more rapid rate if you can start to exercise with your focus on power, speed, and strength. This mind set applies to both men and women. This means that your motivation comes from your desire to “Bring It” during exercise at home and out in the world. Let your P90X® or Power 90® workouts trigger something new and bigger than anything you’ve done before. For me it’s skiing and gymnastics. For you it could be anything that pushes you beyond the confines of repeating the same workouts the same way, day after day.
Barry won a cool $1,000 for his Power90, P90X Transformation Story Tell us about your life before you started the program. How did you feel about yourself and your body? It’s embarrassing really,…I can blame my weight on my back/neck injury ? Which limited me and thus I ballooned in weight ? Yeah an excuse, I liked to eat, and I liked to sit around and not do much prior to starting the program. let’s be honest with each other the weight I carried wasn’t gained in a year or two,.. I was always “a little over weight”. it isn’t a good feeling when someone walks up to you and rubs your belly and you ask what they were doing, they joke “Rubbing the Buddha belly buddy, your fat !” The constant jokes about weight,..they can hurt,people think they are funny,some think they are encouraging you to lose weight, it hurts ! I felt like an embarrassment to myself and my family,..not a good feeling being called the “fat one” in the family.
What inspired you to change your life and begin your transformation journey? The desire to play with my granddaughter , who loves to run, jump and play. She inspired me to say I can do this ! I was a walking heart attack, I want to live to see her graduate from high school, maybe even get married.My tai chi coach taught me about healthy food choices,told me I should do a basic dumbbell exercise program every night prior to being able to eat dinner. I went from 224 to 210, I said wo what results could I see if i had a regular routine/program..ENTER the Power 90 and a transformational life style.
What is the greatest challenge you faced before beginning the program? How did the program and Beachbody® help you overcome that challenge? The greatest challenge I faced was my spine ! I had been injured in an accident, and my neck and back were in constant pain and agony ! I would sleep maybe a max of 2 hours a night due to pain ! Eventually I was able to get more sleep here and there, but the pain was constant.Part of the cause tho was the large amount of weight that I was carrying on my person.I had a choice to make to be a victim or a victor,..I choose to be a victor ! The program reduced the weight, which has reduced the pain ! The program strengthened my core even doing more reduction in pain !The program was literally a life saver ! Through modifications I strengthened my core so much ..back pain ? Ha ! the pain is virtually eliminated ! i didn’t need to modify by the end of the challenge,I’m actually LIVING again !
Why did you choose this particular program? While doing research on the P90X, so many regretted not starting with the Power 90,the P90X would have been too extreme for me at that point in time. All the reviews for Power 90 were positive for those that worked the program.clearly it worked for them,it could/did work for me too ! The thought and research that Team Beach Body placed into this program is AMAZING ! How it builds you right up to the P90X and beyond if you chose to go that route. I have had friends and family start the program now seeing the results I had,I’d suggest this as a way to start a new life style anyday of the week and twice on Sundays !
What in particular did you like about the program you chose? The progressive way that Tony builds you up in the Power 90. First he increases your self confidence. Once that is built up and you say wow I can do this ! You start to realize he is also building up your physical capabilities to achieve even more ! And before the program ends where I would have never considered myself capable of doing P90X, I cant wait to start it now ! The Power 90 program has my self confidence up, and my physical ability to do the program is there now. It challenges you in such a progressive nature that is achievable, but yet a challenge. And once achieved, it feels so good to say ‘I decided, I committed and I succeed!”
Describe the results you achieved with your Beachbody program. Which achievements are you proud of? My body weight DROPPED !, i feel 120% better ! I feel comfortable in my own skin ! I feel healthy ! I look healthy ! I’m so much stronger then before. My cardio stamina is baffling to me ! THANK YOU Tony H ! WoW I never ever thought I would have cardio stamina ! I think that the cardio stamina that I had (nothing) and what i have now wasn’t even a thought, wasn’t a consideration at all. I thought i’d get toned, lose weight,..but the cardio never dreamt I ‘d consider going running in this lifetime EVER ! And now i have this new found cardio stamina, I’m actually going shopping for running shoes. SAY WHAT !? Yes from being lazy sitting on the couch making excuses to going for a jog…… WoW ! That impresses me the most !
How has your life changed since completing your Beachbody program? I find that my lifestyle changed by now actually living life ! Getting up from the sofa and doing things you see people do on TV. Guess what there is a huge world out there ready to be explored ! If you get up and go for a walk, WoW , go to the park, walk by a stream,..stroll alongside a lake, that’s relaxing, not sitting on the sofa. I have energy to do so much more now. I’m not making excuses to go sit down, I like doing things now and look for activities to do. Ok here’s one for ya, I’m looking forward to going by the river this summer to work on my yoga, last year I’d be looking to find a way to nap.